

Neteja professional Alt Empordà.

  • Llars i segones residències

  • Finals d’obra

  • Cristalls i Persianes

  • Locals comercials i oficines

  • Comunitats de propietaris

Tu ho vols net. Nosaltres impecable.

Els nostres serveis

Neteja En Bones Mans ofereix exclusivament serveis de neteja. Per garantir uns resultats òptims, comptem amb el personal qualificat que assumeix amb compromís el seu ofici. Realitzem diversos tipus de neteja, en funció del tipus de servei que necessiteu.

Limpieza del hogar En Bones Mans

Neteja de llars i segones residències



La neteja professional és essencial per mantenir un ambient net, saludable i agradable a casa teva. Amb un servei de neteja professional, la teva llar estarà sempre en les millors condicions possibles.
limpieza finales de obra

Neteja reformes i finals d'obra



Després d’una reforma és fonamental una bona neteja per eliminar la pols i els residus de construcció. Un servei especialitzat farà que la teva llar llueixi impecable en poc temps.
Limpiezas final de obras

Neteja a oficines i locals comercials



La neteja a oficines o locals és vital per mantenir un ambient net i segur per a empleats i clients. Oferim una neteja a fons per satisfer les necessitats específiques del teu negoci.

Limpiezas final de obras

Neteja i manteniment de vidres i persianes



Utilitzem tècniques i productes especialitzats per eliminar la brutícia i la pols acumulada en aquests elements, aconseguint resultats immillorables i duradors. A més, allarguem la seva vida útil.

amb nosaltres

New Field

Oferim solucions personalitzades per a la neteja d'empreses i particulars a l'Alt Empordà
Neteja en Bones Mans
Based on 14 reviews
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Pere Ribot Panosa
Pere Ribot Panosa
18:16 22 Dec 22
Cleaning of new workExcellent people with good treatment and high quality
Muntsa sanz pujol
Muntsa sanz pujol
16:18 20 Dec 22
Good work, responsible, reliable and good price.
Vanesa Martinez
Vanesa Martinez
14:50 09 Nov 22
Muy profesionales, cumplidores y de total confianza. Gestionan la limpieza de nuestras oficinas desde hace años. Muy... eficaces y altamente recomendables.Més
Monica Sole
Monica Sole
07:12 08 Aug 22
The best cleaning company in the province of Girona. Many thanks to Mati, Dani and their entire team of professionals.... They have left us the perfect house to enter!!! I recommend them without any doubt.Més
Thais Gallart
Thais Gallart
08:33 02 Aug 22
High quality service. They have given us a deep cleaning taking care of every last detail. They go very deep and the... result has been fantastic. Highly recommended. In addition, dealing with Mati has been easy and close.Més
14:41 23 Apr 22
He fet obres a casa i la pols ha entrat per tot arreu. Des del primer moment que vaig contactar amb ells el tracte ha... sigut de 10. Han sigut puntuals i el més important és que la casa l’han deixada molt bé. Han tret la pols, el ciment l’han tret i han netejat dins els armaris. Molt bona feina. Aconsellables.Més
14:41 23 Apr 22
I've done some work at home and the dust has gotten in everywhere. From the first moment I contacted them, the... treatment has been 10. They have been punctual and the most important thing is that they have left the house very well. They have removed the dust, removed the cement and cleaned the inside of the cupboards. Very good job. AdvisableMés
Sergio Ruiz
Sergio Ruiz
12:49 01 Aug 21
They are charming, the treatment is super nice and they work very very well being perfectionists with the details. We... have had a thorough cleaning after a reform at home and we have been delighted with the result. We will have them again without a doubt. Thanks a lot!!!Més
Sergio Ruiz
Sergio Ruiz
12:49 01 Aug 21
They are charming, the treatment is super nice and they work very very well being perfectionists with the details. We... have had a thorough cleaning after a reform at home and we have been delighted with the result. We will have them again without a doubt. Thanks a lot!!!Més
Sergio Ruiz
Sergio Ruiz
12:49 01 Aug 21
They are charming, the treatment is super nice and they work very very well being perfectionists with the details. We... have had a thorough cleaning after a reform at home and we have been delighted with the result. We will have them again without a doubt. Thanks a lot!!!Més
Pilar Subirà Pifarré
Pilar Subirà Pifarré
11:06 25 Jul 21
Very good experience, attentive, professional and punctual.
Pilar Subirà Pifarré
Pilar Subirà Pifarré
11:06 25 Jul 21
Very good experience, attentive, professional and punctual.
Isa Fernández García
Isa Fernández García
17:07 03 Feb 20
Carlos Haladjian (Charly.doc)
Carlos Haladjian (Charly.doc)
08:16 25 Oct 19
Very good disposition and education, I had more expectation in relation to the fulfillment of the task, and to the... respect of the budget, especially for having visited the apartment previously and for having given me a closed budgetMés
Charly Charly (Charly.doc)
Charly Charly (Charly.doc)
08:16 25 Oct 19
Very good disposition and education, I had more expectation in relation to the fulfillment of the task, and to the... respect of the budget, especially for having visited the apartment previously and for having given me a closed budgetMés
javier Morales
javier Morales
06:57 10 Oct 19
soul lady
soul lady
08:23 30 May 19
Vanesa Martinez
Vanesa Martinez
18:37 23 Nov 17
Very professional, compliant and totally trustworthy. They have managed the cleaning of our offices for years. Very... effective and highly recommended.Més
Vanesa Martinez
Vanesa Martinez
18:37 23 Nov 17
Very professional, reliable and completely trustworthy. They have managed the cleaning of our offices for years. Very... effective and highly recommended.Més

C/ Montgó, 3, 1º - porta C
17600 Figueres (GIRONA)
Tel. +34 669 578 350
Tel. +34 662 543 736

Quan necessitis serveis de neteja, contacta amb nosaltres. A Neteja En Bones Mans disposem dels equips i elements necessaris per desenvolupar la nostra activitat amb la màxima eficiència.